18-21 mai

Terms of participation

 APLICATION FOR PARTICIPATION  and the text of the REPORT on 4 pages in Microsoft Word format should be sent to [email protected].

The articles will be evaluated by the program committee. The selected articles will be published in conference proceedings and "The Computer Science Journal of Moldova"

INSTRUCTIONS for submission of contributions:

GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. The manuscript is presented in electronic format PS Word/Windows, paper size A4, spacing 1, page numbers aligned on the right. 

TITLE OF THE ARTICLE has to conform to the topic of the conference.  

LIST OF AUTHORS. The main author (the one presenting the article) is written first. 

INFORMATION ABOUT AUTHORS. For each author please indicate the institution. The institution is indicated by placing a superscript number at the name of the author. For the first author the number is followed by an asterisk which indicates the e-mail written below. In the next line, centered, indicate the e-mail of the author. If the authors are members of the same institution, please use the same number. 

ABSTRACT. The abstract of the article is written in English only, using no more than 50 significant words. 

KEYWORDS. Keywords are written in English only (maximum 5-10 words). 

BODY OF THE ARTICLE. The article starts with a brief Introduction, which is followed by the main Results and Discussions regarding the topic presented in the title (theory and experiments). If necessary, use tables, schemes, graphs, images etc. The Conclusions state the main ideas of the article. The text should not exceed 5 pages. The references to bibliographical sources are indicated in square brackets indicating the number of the cited source. 

BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES within the text will be indicated in a short form, according to usual international practices, following the model below:

[1] Itabashi S.A. “Japanese Language Speech Database”: ICASSP-86, Tokyo 1986, v.1, p. 321-324.

[2] N. Pelin, A. Popescu, C. Masalagiu ş.a. „Matricea elementelor de cunoştinţe în aplicaţii”. Abstract on BIT+ „IV International Conference on Information Technologies 2004”. 3-7 May 2004. Chisinau, Republic of Moldova.